All bungalows and cottages in the Rally area have been sold out. You can still ask accommodation directly from Visulahti and they will guide you to other accommodation in the near area.

More accommodation options near Visulahti:

- for two or more (2km - 20km away)
- for one (2km - 20km away)
- Cottages (about 5km away)

TAXI rates in Mikkeli area: 5km about 15-20 euro, 10km 25-30 euro, 15km 35-40 euro, 20km 45-50 euro.

Extra accommodation booking instruction and Visulahti Bungalows & Cottages information in here

All the houses are near Lake Saimaa which guarantees a beautiful view and exotic atmosphere all year round.

Bungalows are equipped with TV, bed lining, kitchen, shower and WiFi.

Camping cottages are equipped with beds, fridge and electricity. Bed lining is not included.

Booking instruction

Send email or call to Visulahti reception:
Telephone: +358 15 18281

Email subject: VRA Rally 2019

Needed information from contact person:
Accommodation (what kind of bungalow/cottage you need)
Last name
First name
Telephone number
Street address
Postal code
Post office
Country of residence
Additional information: Do you need bed lines in cottage and how many? Do you need bed lines for extra bed in bungalow?

During the business days you will get confirmation and payment instructions within 24 hours of the reservation. The reception phone is open from 10:00 to 17:00 business days (EET, Finnish time).

Back to VRA Rally 2019 pages

Visulahti area map: download here

Holiday bungalow for two


Holiday bungalow for two
3 days 200 euros, 2 days 135 euros per bungalow
Bungalow with one bedroom for two person. Bungalow has a fully equipped kitchen. Cleaning is included in the prize of the cottage. Bed linen included.
Bungalow size: 32 m2
Bed Size(s): 2 single beds, one sofa bed (Bed linen for the sofa bed 7 euros).

Holiday bungalow for four


Holiday bungalow for four
3 days 275 euros, 2 days 185 euros per bungalow
Bungalow with two bedrooms for four person. Bungalow has a fully equipped kitchen and a fireplace. Cleaning is included in the prize of the cottage. Bed linen included. Bungalow size: 40 m2
Bed Size(s): 4 single beds, one sofa bed (Bed linen for the sofa bed 7 euros).

Holiday bungalow with sauna for four


Holiday bungalow with sauna for four
3 days 330 euros, 2 days 220 euros per bungalow
Bungalow with two bedrooms for four person. Bungalow has a sauna, a fully equipped kitchen and a fireplace. Cleaning is included in the prize of the cottage. Bed linen included. Bungalow size: 40 m2
Bed Size(s): 4 single beds, one sofa bed (Bed linen for the sofa bed 7 euros).

Holiday bungalow with sauna for six


Holiday bungalow with sauna for six
3 days 400 euros, 2 days 270 euros per bungalow
Bungalow with three bedrooms for six person. Bungalow has a sauna, a fully equipped kitchen and a fireplace. Cleaning is included in the prize of the cottage. Bed linen included. Bungalow size: 77 m2
Bed Size(s): 6 single beds, one sofa bed (Bed linen for the sofa bed 7 euros).

Camping cottage with terrace Camping cottage with terrace


Camping cottage with terrace

3 days 150 euros, 2 days 100 euros per cottage
Camping cottage inside picture under
A little camping cottage with four beds. Cottages are equipped with beds, electricity and a freezer. Toilets and showers are next to the cottages in a different building. Bed lining is not included (bed linen 7 euros / person). Cleaning is included in the prize of the cottage. Electric heating.
Cottage size: 10 m2

If you want to come with camping car:
10 euros/day, electricity 7 euros/day and person fee 5 euros/day

- for two or more (2km - 20km away)
- for one (2km - 20km away)
- Cottages (about 5km away)

TAXI rates in Mikkeli area: 5km about 15-20 euro, 10km 25-30 euro, 15km 35-40 euro, 20km 45-50 euro.